BA Theatre and Film Studies

BA Theatre and Film Studies
Program Code: BA/TFS
Program Type: Undergraduate
Department: Film
Faculty: Faculty of Arts
Accreditation: Bachelor of Arts
Program Duration: 4 Year
Program Location: New York
Starting Dates: January
Program Contact: Tracy Brobyn
Credit Requirement: 360
Max Transfer Credit: N/A
Max Elapsed Time: N/A
Program overview
The academic scope of this programme enables students to understand the histories of theatre and cinema and their industries and explores the critical debates concerning the cultural and political influences of theatre and film. The programme also explores the spaces of the stage and studio, stage and screen performances and the genres, narratives and authorship of plays and screenplays. We also study the economics and management of theatre and cinema within the creative industries.
The study of these two artistically and economically important cultural forms side by side enables students of this programme to appreciate the connections and distinctions between them and to meet the challenges of employment in a society in which the creative industries play an important role.
In Year One, programs provide a broad understanding of how theatre and film work as creative industries, introduce the study of theatre and film narrative and performance, and provide experience of creative production. Year Two examines questions of genre and creativity alongside the theory and practice of stage performance. Year Three looks at key periods, movements and practitioners in theatre and film drama, alongside programs in areas such as adaptation, comedy, playwriting, and Hollywood cinema.
Learning and teaching methods vary: lectures, seminars, individual work and group work, where you will be producing a range of performance events and production material.
Career opportunities
You may use your studies as a basis for professional practice within theatre, film and allied industries, using the specialisms as a stepping stone to a variety of careers in: theatre industry; film industries; professions requiring skills in communication and creativity; drama teaching; and postgraduate study.
- Program Details
92% of our students find employment within 6 months of graduation
Typical skills breakdown for this program